Wednesday, February 27, 2008

PKS Merengkuh Pluralisme?

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Dalam artikel ini si penulis (Al Makin) menganalisa kebijakan terbaru PKS utk merengkuh pluralisme. Penulis menganalisa hal ini sebagai taktik utk merebut lebih banyak suara dalam pemilu yang akan datang. Namun penulis mempertanyakan apakah benar terjadi perubahan fundamental di core value PKS mengingat program-program PKS terutama di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia di luar negri sepertinya bertentangan dengan kebijakan ini.

Utk artikel lebih lanjut silahkan baca di sini: http://www.thejakar detaileditorial. asp?fileid= 20080219. F05&irec= 4 atau di sini:

Political pragmatism prevails in Indonesia

Opinion Editorial The Jakarta Post, February 19, 2008

Al Makin, Heidelberg
No matter how doubtful it is, we have to welcome and encourage the efforts made by the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) to welcome and appreciate pluralism in Indonesian politics. This point was explained in detail by PKS president, Tifatul Sembiring, PKS secretary general, Anis Matta, and PKS faction chairman at the House of Representatives, Hilmi Aminuddin at the recent national congress in Bali.

Initially a party based exclusively on Islamist reform, the PKS has evolved to appeal to a much broader constituency including the mainstream secular audience. The change is largely the result of pragmatism triggered by the party's need to secure electoral support. It may be seen as a response to the democratic process.

The PKS agenda at the congress in Bali cast no new story. It seems clear that there are at least two fundamental factors behind its latest political maneuver. First off, is a recognition of the fact that in many local elections, the PKS has formed political coalitions with nationalist as well as secular parties. These include alliances with (Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Golkar, and even the Prosperous Peace Party (PDS). These types of coalitions are expected to attract more potential voters in next year's general election. What the PKS has learned is that the vast majority of Indonesians do not like any tendency toward exclusivism or radicalism.

Indonesia's plural society tends to embrace moderate religious views. In response to this sentiment, the PKS has attempted to cater to market demands. Not only is this political maneuver tactical, but it is also relevant to the audience targeted by PKS campaigns.